The React .js / Next.js Project Structure I Follow

The React .js / Next.js Project Structure I Follow

The react-js, next-js project structure I got from internet

Source of The Structure

I have got it from Below Articles:
Main Article:

I also Follow:

Make React Project Structure in effective manner.

Inexperienced dev ⤵

Image description

Experienced dev ⤵

Image description

Command to Achieve the Structure

Command to get the below structure:

mkdir -p src/{assets,components,config,features,hooks,lib,providers,routes,stores,test,types,utils} && find src/assets src/components src/config src/features src/hooks src/lib src/providers src/routes src/stores src/test src/types src/utils -type d -exec bash -c 'test -e "{}/index.ts" || echo > "{}/index.ts"' \;

The React.js Project Structure

How a project should look like:

+-- assets            
+-- components        
+-- config           
+-- features          
+-- hooks             
+-- lib               
+-- providers         
+-- routes            
+-- stores            
+-- test              
+-- types             
+-- utils

components: Shared components that grace the entire kingdom
config: The vault of global configurations, env variables, and secrets
features: Feature based modules
hooks: Mystical hooks, shared across the entire realm
libs: re-exporting different libraries preconfigured for the application
providers: Keepers of the application’s life force, the providers
routes: routes configuration
stores: global state stores
test: The arena of trials, where utilities and mock servers prove their mettle
types: base types used across the application
utils: shared utility functions

Now, let’s descend into the heart of a feature.

+-- api         # Declarations and API hooks, a symphony of requests for this feature
+-- assets      # Treasures specific to the awesome feature
+-- components  # Components, artisans sculpting the visual identity of the feature
+-- hooks       # Hooks, magical spells woven into the fabric of this feature
+-- routes      # Paths leading to the feature's pages, a roadmap of wonder
+-- stores      # Keepers of state, guarding the feature's sacred truths
+-- types       # TypeScript types, a lexicon for the feature's domain
+-- utils       # The craftsmen, building utility functions exclusive to this feature
+-- index.ts    # The grand entrance, the public API of this feature, revealing its essence

Set up absolute imports!

Absolute imports can make your import statements cleaner and more readable. They also help in avoiding long relative import paths.

//  jsconfig.json/tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["./src/*"]

🏁 Conclusion

Remember, every developer, seasoned or fledgling, has danced the maddening tango with spaghetti code. But with structure comes clarity, and with clarity comes the power to wield React with finesse.

So, as you forge your own path in the realms of frontend development, let this blueprint be your guiding light, your treasure map to organized brilliance. May your React projects chuckle at bugs, scoff at chaos, and stand firm in the face of coding calamities.