Mastering PostgreSQL User and Role Management: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering PostgreSQL User and Role Management: A Step-by-Step Guide

Master PostgreSQL user management with our step-by-step guide on service checks, role inheritance, setting privileges, and monitoring activity.


PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database system. Efficient user management is crucial for security, performance, and operations. This includes checking service status, understanding default credentials, and diagnosing authentication errors.

This guide covers essential steps for managing PostgreSQL users, offering best practices for database administrators, developers, and system administrators..

Preliminary Checks

Before managing users, ensure your PostgreSQL service is running correctly and understand default credentials and common authentication issues.

Verifying PostgreSQL Service Status

  1. Check if PostgreSQL Service is Running:

    To check the status of the PostgreSQL service, use the following command:

     sudo systemctl status postgresql

    This command will provide you with information about the current status of the PostgreSQL service. If the service is active and running, you will see output indicating that the service is "active (running)".

  2. Starting the PostgreSQL Service:

    If the PostgreSQL service is not running, you can start it with:

     sudo systemctl start postgresql
  3. Stopping the PostgreSQL Service:

    To stop the PostgreSQL service, use:

     sudo systemctl stop postgresql
  4. Restarting the PostgreSQL Service:

    To restart the PostgreSQL service, which is often useful after making configuration changes, use:

     sudo systemctl restart postgresql
  5. Enabling PostgreSQL to Start on Boot:

    To ensure that PostgreSQL starts automatically when your system boots, enable the service with:

     sudo systemctl enable postgresql

Understanding Default Credentials

  1. Default User and Password Configuration:

    On a fresh PostgreSQL installation, the default superuser is postgres. Initially, no password is set for this user, which means local connections can be made without a password, depending on the pg_hba.conf configuration.

  2. Locatingpg_hba.conf:

    The pg_hba.conf file controls the client authentication. It is usually located in the PostgreSQL data directory. You can find its exact path using:

     sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SHOW hba_file;'

    Example output:

  3. Changing Default Credentials:

    To secure your PostgreSQL installation, set a password for the postgres user:

     ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'your_secure_password';

    You can do this by logging in as the postgres user and executing the command in the PostgreSQL interactive terminal:

     sudo -u postgres psql

    Then, run the SQL command:

     ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'your_secure_password';

Diagnosing Authentication Errors

  1. Common Authentication Errors:

    A common authentication error is:

     psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"
  2. Interpreting Error Messages:

    Such errors typically indicate issues with the pg_hba.conf settings or incorrect passwords. The pg_hba.conf file defines the authentication methods for different users and databases.

  3. Steps to Resolve Authentication Issues:

    • Checkpg_hba.conf:

      Ensure that the file contains the correct entries for your user and connection type. For example, to allow password authentication from any IP address:

        host    all             all               md5
    • Reload Configuration:

      After making changes to pg_hba.conf, reload the PostgreSQL service to apply the new settings:

        sudo systemctl reload postgresql
    • Verify User Password:

      Make sure that you are using the correct password for the user. You can reset the user password if needed:

        ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';

By performing these preliminary checks, you ensure that your PostgreSQL service is properly configured and running, and you address any potential authentication issues before moving on to more advanced user management tasks.

Managing Users in PostgreSQL

Managing users in PostgreSQL involves creating, reading, updating, and deleting users. This section provides step-by-step instructions for each of these tasks.

Creating Users

  1. Open the PostgreSQL Command Line Interface:

    To start managing users, log in to the PostgreSQL command line interface as the postgres superuser:

     sudo -u postgres psql
  2. Create a New User:

    Use the CREATE USER command to create a new user. Replace username and password with your desired values:

     CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';
  3. Assign Roles and Permissions During User Creation:

    You can specify roles and permissions when creating the user. For example, to create a user with superuser privileges:


    Or to create a user with specific privileges:


Reading User Information

  1. View All Users:

    To list all users in the PostgreSQL database, use the following command:


    This command displays a list of all database roles, including users and their associated privileges.

  2. Query System Catalog for Detailed User Information:

    You can also retrieve detailed information about users from the system catalog tables. For example, to get information from pg_user:

     SELECT * FROM pg_user;

    For more comprehensive details, you can query pg_roles:

     SELECT * FROM pg_roles;

Updating User Details

  1. Change User Password:

    To change the password for an existing user, use the ALTER USER command:

     ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
  2. Modify User Privileges:

    You can update a user's roles and privileges. For example, to grant superuser privileges:


    To revoke superuser privileges:

  3. Grant and Revoke Permissions:

    To grant specific permissions to a user:

     GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name TO username;

    To revoke specific permissions:

     REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name FROM username;

Deleting Users

  1. Ensure the User is Not Connected:

    Before deleting a user, ensure that the user is not connected to the database. You can check active connections with:

     SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename = 'username';

    If the user is connected, you may need to terminate their connections:

     SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename = 'username';
  2. Drop the User:

    To safely remove a user from the PostgreSQL database, use the DROP USER command:

     DROP USER username;
  3. Reassign Owned Objects (Optional):

    If the user owns any database objects, you might need to reassign those objects before dropping the user. To reassign all objects owned by the user to another user:

     REASSIGN OWNED BY username TO new_owner;
  4. Drop Owned Objects (Optional):

    Alternatively, you can drop all objects owned by the user:

     DROP OWNED BY username;

By following these steps, you can effectively manage users in PostgreSQL, ensuring that the right users have the right permissions and that unused or unnecessary users are safely removed from the database.

Advanced User Management

Managing users in PostgreSQL goes beyond basic CRUD operations. Advanced tasks include configuring role inheritance, setting detailed user privileges, and monitoring activity. This section offers step-by-step instructions, assuming the postgres user has roles like Superuser, Create Role, Create DB, Replication, and Bypass RLS.

Role Inheritance

  1. Understanding Role Inheritance:

    Role inheritance allows a role to automatically inherit privileges from another role. This simplifies permission management by grouping related permissions.

  2. Create Parent and Child Roles:

    First, create a parent role with desired privileges:

     CREATE ROLE parent_role;

    Assign privileges to the parent role:


    Next, create a child role that inherits privileges from the parent role:

     CREATE ROLE child_role INHERIT parent_role;

    Assign the Child Role to a User:

    Finally, assign the child role to a user:

     GRANT child_role TO username;

    The user username now inherits the privileges of both child_role and parent_role.

Setting User Privileges

  1. Granting Specific Privileges:

    PostgreSQL allows fine-tuning of user privileges on databases, tables, and other objects. To grant specific privileges to a user:

     GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON table_name TO username;
  2. Revoking Specific Privileges:

    To revoke specific privileges from a user:

     REVOKE SELECT, INSERT ON table_name FROM username;
  3. Granting and Revoking Database Privileges:

    Grant all privileges on a database:

     GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name TO username;

    Revoke all privileges on a database:

     REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name FROM username;
  4. Replication Privileges:

    To grant replication privileges to a user:


    This allows the user to set up and manage replication between PostgreSQL instances.

  5. Bypass Row-Level Security (RLS):

    To grant a user the ability to bypass row-level security policies:


    This privilege is particularly powerful and should be granted with caution.

Monitoring User Activity

  1. Enable Logging:

    To monitor user activities, enable logging in the PostgreSQL configuration file (postgresql.conf):

     log_statement = 'all'

    Reload the PostgreSQL configuration to apply changes:

     sudo systemctl reload postgresql
  2. Query Active Sessions:

    Use the pg_stat_activity view to monitor active sessions and user activity:

     SELECT pid, usename, datname, application_name, client_addr, state, query FROM pg_stat_activity;
  3. Auditing User Actions:

    For comprehensive auditing, consider using the pgaudit extension. Install and configure pgaudit:

     sudo apt-get install postgresql-<version>-pgaudit

    Add the following to postgresql.conf:

     shared_preload_libraries = 'pgaudit'
     pgaudit.log = 'all'

    Reload PostgreSQL to apply the changes:

     sudo systemctl restart postgresql

By implementing these advanced user management techniques, you can ensure robust security, streamlined permission management, and effective monitoring of user activities in your PostgreSQL database.


In this comprehensive guide, we have covered the essentials and advanced aspects of PostgreSQL user management. From verifying the PostgreSQL service status, understanding default credentials, and diagnosing authentication errors, to performing CRUD operations on users, configuring role inheritance, fine-tuning user privileges, and monitoring user activity, you are now equipped with the knowledge to manage PostgreSQL users like a pro.

Best Practices for PostgreSQL User Management

  1. Regularly Review User Privileges:

    • Periodically audit user roles and permissions to ensure they align with current requirements and security policies.
  2. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

    • Use roles to group and manage permissions, simplifying the assignment and revocation of privileges.
  3. Enforce Strong Password Policies:

    • Require strong, unique passwords for all database users and change passwords regularly.
  4. Monitor and Log User Activities:

    • Enable logging and use tools like pg_stat_activity and pgaudit to monitor user actions and detect suspicious activities.
  5. Keep PostgreSQL Updated:

    • Regularly update PostgreSQL to the latest version to benefit from security patches and new features.

By following these best practices, you can maintain a secure and well-managed PostgreSQL environment. For further reading and detailed information, refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation and other trusted resources.

Additional Resources and References

This concludes our guide on mastering PostgreSQL user management. With these tools and knowledge at your disposal, you can ensure a secure and efficient PostgreSQL environment.